United Ride Odyssey 2012 - MSA & Windham World Cups
Follow us on Facebook : facebook.com/UnitedRide ••• It was a dry, dusty and super hot weekend here in Windham for the team. Everybody enjoyed the track and had fun on the big jumps. Friday was the qualification and Tracey did the third time. Mick felt good and ended up with the 13th time. Fabien was still struggling with arm pumps on this short track and made a few mistakes which cost him the top 80 by just 0.3s. Fabien is going to try to get surgery for his arms as soon as possible when he will be back in France. Our junior, Guillaume, missed the qualif by a few seconds. Tracey and Mick were ready to rip it on Sunday on a dry and fast track like they love. The women race was very tight with the top 3 girls in the same second. Tracey did a great run and wowed us by hitting the last jump. She did the second time of the day. It was fantastic to see her back on the podium. Mick looked very good on the bike for his race run and on the bottom section we could see how fast he was. He finished with the 8th time today. It was good the see the Hannah familly represent ing the team so well this weekend. Mick now has plate number 7 at the standings and Tracey is keeping the number 4. We are looking forward for the next world cup in France but now it’s time to pack and go back on the other side of the ocean. We want to thank the Hutchinson guys who came this weekend to cheer for us and lama cycles who lent us their tents and material.
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Super schnite und super gefilmt