We teamed up with the Austrian Street Trial Athlete Fabio Wibmer to shoot for three days in Paris, a perfect playground for this sport. Even if three days are way too short to discover all the spots - it is enough to screen the citys potential. Fabio Wibmer, Inspired Bycicles teammate of Danny MacAskill, is a up-and-coming Street Trial Athlete who seeks for new challenges beyond his homespot Lienz in Austria. So enjoy his little trip to Paris.
Produced by: Arne Totz / Tobias Bucher / http://www.aepic.tv Directed by: Arne Totz Camera: Adrian Kuchenreuter / Arne Totz Edited by: Arne Totz Graphics: Arne Totz / Judith Ernst Music: Future of Forestry - Chariots via http://www.themusicbed.com Still Photography: David Robinson (http://davidrobinsonphoto.com/)
Thanks to Judith Ernst and Gemeinde St. Jakob in Defereggen.
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